Mishchenko, V. V.; Mishchenko, V. P.; Rudenko, I. V.; Likhachov, V. K.; Dobrovolska, L. M.; Vashchenko, V. L.; Makarov, O. G.; Міщенко, В. В.; Міщенко, В. П.; Руденко, І. В.; Ліхачов, В. К.; Добровольська, Л. М.; Ващенко, В. Л.; Макаров, О. Г.
A laparoscopic appendectomy was performed in 73 pregnant women. The Alvarado scale was used for diagnostics. The
average age of the examined was 25.7±0.5 years. 17.8 % of pregnant women were operated on in the first ...