Короткий опис (реферат):
Aim: to determine the effect of antidisbiotic agents on the state of the organism of rats under conditions of lipid intoxication and to propose a comprehensive method for assessing therapeutic and prophylactic efficacy. Methods: lipid intoxication was induced in rats using thermoperoxide sunflower oil. As antidisbiotic agents, drugs containing quercetin, inulin, calcium citrate (Kvertulin), lecithin,
quercetin, inulin, calcium citrate (Lekvin), flavolignans, inulin, lecithin, calcium citrate (Lekasil) and lysozyme, quercetin, inulin, gelatin, calcium citrate (Lysozyme-forte). The level of markers of inflammation and dysbiosis (elastase, urease, MDA) and the level of markers of defense systems (lysozyme, catalase) were determined in the tissues of the gums, the mucous membrane of the colon, liver and blood serum. The pathogenic effect of lipid intoxication was assessed by the sum of changes in the level of markers. The therapeutic effect of antidisbiotic drugs was also assessed by the pattern of the change in the level of markers. Results: lipid intoxication increases the activity of elastase, urease and MDA content in tissues, but decreases the level of lysozyme and catalase. Antidisbiotic drugs have antiinflammatory effects. Lipid intoxication most of all affects the mucous membrane of the colon and liver. The most effective was Lysozyme-forte. Conclusions: a comprehensive method for assessing the pathogenic effect of lipid toxins and a comprehensive method for assessing the therapeutic and prophylactic efficacy of antidisbiotic drugs are proposed.