У період пандемії COVID-19 дистанційне навчання переважно
розглядали як тимчасовий захід у критичній ситуації, яке асоціювали з навчанням
онлайн. Для України дистанційна освіта є практично єдиним способом навчання в
період воєнного стану. Також такий варіант освіти може стати ефективним форматом
відновлення (удосконалення) знань і навичок студентів-медиків і лікарів, їх навчання
протягом життя в модернізованій інноваційній національній системі медичної освіти.
Акцентовано, що «дистанційне», «заочне» і «онлайн» навчання не є синонімічними по
своїй суті. Дистанційне навчання може ефективно застосовуватися як в очному, так і в
заочному навчанні за умови реалізації принципів академічної мобільності й
доброчесності. Систему медичної дистанційної освіти слід розглядати як матрицю
процесів, учасників і способів навчання. У статті розглянуто системоутворюючі аспекти
медичної освіти України в умовах дистанційного навчання, визначено напрями
подальших наукових розвідок для її модернізації.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, distance learning has been
perceived as a temporary measure taken in a critical situation. Distance learning was
exclusively associated with online education. Most teachers and students expected a return to
normal face-to-face learning. However, for Ukraine, the conditions of "normalcy" in education
have changed irreversibly. Sixty-three institutions of higher education in Ukraine have been
damaged or destroyed by war, with some of them evacuated. Millions of citizens have become
internally displaced persons and refugees. Students and teachers have joined the Ukrainian Armed Forces, territorial defense units, and volunteer movements. Currently, the number
(percentage) of medical students who have had to interrupt their education is unknown. For
many of them, distance learning has become the only way to complete their medical
education. Distance education has become almost the only way of learning for students of
higher medical education in Ukraine during the period of martial law. Distance education will
continue to develop in the post-war system of medical education in Ukraine. This study
highlights the differences between the concepts of distance education, online learning,
traditional face-to-face learning, and correspondence education. It is argued that distance
education can be effectively applied in both face-to-face and correspondence learning. The
principles of academic mobility and academic integrity, as well as standards for medical
education, must be maintained. The system of medical distance education is viewed as a
matrix of learning processes, participants, and methods. System-forming aspects for
modernizing the medical education system in Ukraine under distance learning conditions are
outlined, including forecasts for medical development and potential opportunities for distance
learning for medical professionals. Given the specific learning needs of medical professionals
in their physical presence, the essence of academic mobility is proposed to extend to new
distance learning practices. At the systemic level, directions for further scientific research are
identified for the modernization of the medical education system in Ukraine under distance
learning conditions.