Ретроспективный анализ данных медицинской документации показал, что аденомиоз активного типа диагностирован у 55,6 %, неактивного — у 44,4 % женщин. Самая высокая частота
встречаемости сочетанной патологии лейомиомы и аденомиоза матки отмечалась у женщин
старшего репродуктивного возраста (35–43 года) — 55,5 %. При сочетанной патологии матки
(лейомиома и аденомиоз) диффузный аденомиоз составлял 58,3 % наблюдений. Соотношение
диффузной и очаговой форм аденомиоза составило 2,3 : 1. Степень тяжести ІІІ аденомиоза
диагностирован в 50,0 % случаев. Результаты гистологического исследования подтвердили клинически установленный диагноз в 100 % случаев.
Introduction. Combined pathology of the uterus with uterine leiomyoma and adenomyosis is up
to 87% of cases in patients with uterine leiomyoma. Endometriosis is more common in women of
reproductive age and is 12 to 50% of cases.
Purpose of the study. To conduct a retrospective analysis of histomorphological studies of the
removed tissues (endometrium, myometrium, tissue of the nodes) in case of combined pathology of
the uterus with leiomyoma and adenomyosis.
Materials and research methods. A retrospective analysis of histomorphologic studies of removed
tissues (endometrium, myometrium, tissue of nodes) of the uterus was performed in 108 patients with
combined uterine pathology leiomyoma and adenomyosis.
Results and its discussion. Adenomyosis of the active type was diagnosed in 55.6%, inactive —
in 44.4%. The highest incidence of combined pathology of leiomyoma and uterine adenomyosis occurred in women of older reproductive age (35–43 years) — 55.5%. The ratio of diffuse and focal forms
of adenomyosis was 2.3:1. The severity of III level of adenomyosis was diagnosed in 50.0% of cases.
The results of the histological study confirmed the clinically established diagnosis in 100% of cases.
Conclusions. In case of combined uterus pathology with uterine leiomyoma and adenomyosis,
adenomyosis of the active type occurs in 55.6% of cases, and of the inactive type — in 44.4%. The
highest incidence of combined pathology of leiomyoma and uterine adenomyosis in women of older
reproductive age (35–43 years) is 55.5%. In case of a combined pathology of the uterus, uterine leiomyoma and adenomyosis, diffuse adenomyosis is 58.3%.