Non-atypical endometrial hyperplasia (EH) most often occurs against a background of
relative or absolute hyperestrogenism, responds to abnormal hormonal effects. In the
reproductive age, the presence of EH can be a factor in the development of fertility disorders.
The aim of the study was to learn the expression of pinopodes in ovulatory infertile women
with non-atypical EH on the day of the implantation window. Under observation there were
196 women of reproductive age, of which 166 had been treated for infertility, and 30
conditionally gynecologically and somatically healthy, fertile women of the control group. A
special examination of women included the determination in the endometrium by scanning
electron microscopy of pinopodes’ expression. It was found that in women with non-atypical
hyperplasia of the endometrium, areas without pinopodia were recorded in 47.59% of cases,
pinopodes of small size - in 79.52% and abundant, small, thick microvilli - in 37.95%; the
decrease in the incidence of developed pineapods in comparison with healthy prolific women
was 2.72 times, that of pinopodes of large size was 3.39 and the small number of microvilli
was 3.64, an increase in the occurrence of pinopodes of medium size 3.65, microvilli in
moderate amounts - at 3.74. The authors conclude that the characteristic feature of
endometrial pinopodes in EH is the presence of mosaicism of their shape (60.24%), size (64.46%) and the presence of numerous areas of absence of pinopodes (47.59%), which plays
a significant role in disorders fertility.