In the articleconsiders the natureof a componentstructure preparedness of future teachers of philology to organizing extracurricular creative activities pupils of secondary school. Educational activities teachers of philology based on the state requiments, laid down in training programs of philology. In view of the above, future teachers of philology must master the theoretical knowledge acquired skills in planning and organizing not only educational, but also extracurricular process too. During study in higher educational establishment carried out training students for future educational activities aimed on mastering and securing the general and special optimal teaching knowledge of philology and skills that are necessary for future professional educational process at a high level, should be preparedness ofteacher to professional activity.
The overall structure of preparedness of future teacher of philology to organizing exctacurricular creative activities, in our opinion, includes the following components: cognitive, motivational, and activity and reflective. Determined that each of these components is important for the teacher of philology, promotes both his prossional and personal qualities. Investigated the process of preparing of future teachers of philology to organizing exctacurricular creative activities secondaty school studentsduring their studies in higher educational establishment should be comprehensive, taking into account these components of preparedness.